Be empowered with everything you need for 30 days to amaze

The time is now.

Be empowered with videos, PDFS, wellness recordings and more!

Yes, this 30 day program is a cleanse, but is compromised of nourishing, building up and strengthening your body. Cleanse your colon, but also other filter organs; the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, stomach enzymes, and lungs.

It's a 10-10-10 day system to reactive | reset | renew your body.

Questions to ask yourself if now is the time to do the doTERRA 30 day Cleanse and Restore program:

Are you or have you been extra- stressed for too long?

Can you improve your eating plan?

How are your digestive enzymes, your alkalinity, or acidity?

Are you exposed to lots of environmental toxins, chemicals?

What about blood sugar irregularity?

How is your mood?

Need an Immune system boost? Have you heard about the gut-brain connection and 85% of your immune system in your gut?

When last did you do a cleanse? We suggest cleansing twice a year to reset your gut.

Have you used over the counter drugs, prescription drugs, a round of antibiotics?

If you say yes to any of those past or present, you need a cleanse!

I hope you have a plan! If not, you just found your 2022 health upgrade!

Approximately 85 percent of our body’s immunity is found in the lining of our gastrointestinal (GI) system. When the gut bacteria is out of balance opportunistic bacteria and parasites chisel away at the lining wall and create a leaky gut. Pathogens then escape from the GI, travel through the bloodstream, penetrate the blood brain barrier and cause havoc in cellular function. This lowers immunity and makes you susceptible to any number of diseases, viruses and health threats. An autoimmune response can release pathogens, attack cells and create an environment conducive to dis—ease. The beauty of essential oils and essential oil based products is that they work at the cellular level.


“I was experiencing depression for the first time in my life after losing my mom to pancreatic cancer and experiencing the empty nest all at the same time. This lasted for three years until I started the cleanse and then within 1 week it all started to change and by the end of the month I was 100% back to my normal happy self!!!" ~Terry

"I felt amazing within the first week and I've lost over 15 pounds doing the cleanse" - Alisha

"I've lost over 20 pounds!! I sleep better and have more energy! I've even been getting up before the kids to get a work out in. LOVE this cleanse!" - Amber

"I just cannot even tell you where God has brought me from just starting with the cleanse and ridding my body of all the toxins when going through chemo. You know, when people see me now I mean they see healing, I love this cleanse! I've also lost over 13 pounds!" - Sherry

"I lost 7 pounds within the first week! By day 10 I'm thinking wow I feel so much better, I could feel a renewing in my body, and I was able to handle all the stress in my life better" - Samantha

"I feel better, and more energized! I've lost over 9 pounds on this cleanse!" - Dayla

“I lost over 11 pounds and so that is good enough for me. LOL. Doing the cleanse was very educational for me and an eye opener. I am so glad I did it and being intentional about it.” - Shasta

“I’d like to share my husbands Eczema Journey and how DoTerra was the road that led to relief. About 3 years ago he developed Eczema. At the time we thought this was NOT Eczema but a reaction to chemicals he was exposed to on a job. He is an HVAC Contractor and went into a unit ( apartment) that had caught on fire. There were chemicals, mold etc….He developed this horrible rash that was extremely itchy. He went to urgent care and treated him, for what they thought, was scabies. Nothing helped. Then it died down a bit and flared again. He had seen 2 different dermatologists. Both said it was Eczema. Nothing helped. A third Dermatologist did a biopsy and prescribed a treatment for Eczema. It died down a bit but never was a complete relief with itching and breakouts. We went to an allergist. She said this is not allergy related. It is definitely Eczema. I contacted Jana through a close friend. Jana suggested a cleanse! I want you to know it worked miracles. His skin is normal. He isn’t itching anymore. He hasn’t had a flare in weeks, he can sleep at night and no more scabs and bleeding from this Eczema. I’m amazed. He will be staying on the multivitamin, pB assist and TerraZyme in order to maintain this healing. Thank You Jesus, Jana and DoTerra” - S. Foster

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